The key to feeling motivated with your revision is to mix it up! Don't do the same repetitive tasks over and over again. This blog is going to look at how to turn your revision into a game, literally!
Online quizzes
There are lots of revision quizzes online that are a great way to revise;
And so many more...
These can begin to feel a little repetitive so what else can you play to revise?
How about making the games yourself?
The process of creating the game has already got you looking at the content and recapping then by playing it you are looking at it for a second time. If you are playing against a friend you might even be able to have some fun with it.
Can you turn your facts or practice questions into a Board Game full of questions on a Maths Topic? Take it in turns to roll the dice, answer the question, get the other person to check it, if it's right you win the square (colour it in or put a counter on it), if it's wrong the other person wins the square. You can play it as 4 in a row or most squares at the end.
You could even play on your own, time yourself to fill the grid. Can you beat your previous time?
You could create a quiz on your English Quotes? Or a snap card game of dates and events for History? How about a Linkee style game with terms from your Science topic?
Need something to get you moving a bit more, try a hit the answer. Multiple answers on pieces of paper. One person reads the question and everyone else has to hit the answer. Sunny day, why not chalk the answers on the floor and make it jump on the answer? (Make sure you ask permission first!)
Struggling with your creative writing? How about creating challenges for yourself?
As always with revision practice is the key BUT it doesn't always have to be exam paper practice.